Trying out a new format option. "Below the Fold" text. So I can have my massively long posts, without having them destroy everything else on the front page. They are neat! Observe:
This text cannot be seen from the front page! It requires effort to view! Effort in the form of mouse clicks! Click click click!
I found this page to be both extremely helpful for setting it up, and extremely hurtful to my layout sensibilities. (On my browser at least, it ends up being very large text, in seemingly arbitrarily narrow columns, with various garish colors and animations assaulting my delicate senses at all times. Heavens!
I'm not sure if this is the best way to achieve the effect I want, but it seems to be working, so who am I to complain? No doubt, sooner or later a friend who actually, you know, knows CSS will wander by and gape silently in abject horror at the solution I cut-and-pasted from the internet. But until then, yay! It works! And the page did a good job of making it fairly straightforward to put together, and I even managed a minor tweak on my own. (Making things clicked not spawn new windows/tabs by default.)
Hooray! It works!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Playing with CSS
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12:15 PM
Arbitrary Classifications: announcement